If I were paid a dollar for every time a spa professional asked me if they should work for someone else or start their own business, I would be filthy rich. Especially when I am asked this by spa pros who see working for themselves as the only path to a more fulfilling career. Even outside of the spa and wellness industry, it seems that there is a message pushing entrepreneurship as the only successful path to a wealthy, fulfilling life; that if you work for someone, you are somehow doomed. This has created a feeling by many that they are not achieving success until they work for themselves.
It is worth saying that each has its place. I mean, entrepreneurs – at least the ones that are creating sustainable, scalable businesses – need people to work for them too. So, we really need to do away with this mentality that entrepreneurship is the only way. And let me be the one to just say it – everyone is not suited to run a business. Running a business takes a certain amount of responsibility and fortitude that is not for everyone. And in most cases, there are many advantages of having worked for someone before starting a business of your own.
Instead, I think it is most important to create a career plan for yourself. Have a thoughtful and intentional plan that has actionable items that support the life you want and the person you want to be. Know how to check in with yourself and make modifications and adjustments to align with who you are becoming and evolving into as a person. For some, this will mean growth and development within an employment opportunity. For others, this will mean starting and growing a business that others will want to work in. There is a career path to success, rich with fulfillment and success for everyone. While that is the common goal for everyone, the way to get there is different for each person.